WhatsApp group administrators have received a severe warning from police authorities following the third day of increasing violence on Mira Road. Law enforcement has acted immediately in response to the occurrences, which have caused dread and concern among the local population. The police are asking group admins to keep a close eye on the information published inside their groups and to report any suspicious or inflammatory posts right away since passions are now running high. The purpose of this action is to stop false information from spreading and stop more community turmoil.
Police Warn WhatsApp Admins as Violence Continues for Third Day on Mira Road
On Tuesday, videos of people attacking drivers and throwing stones at stores became popular on social media.
On Tuesday, the third day in a row that communal unrest persisted in Thane’s Mira Road, the Mira-Bhayander-Vasai-Virar (MBVV) Police on Wednesday, January 24, cautioned WhatsApp group admins against posting any content that could incite religious sentiments in any community.
On January 21, tensions had risen following an alleged attack on a Ram Mandir Pran Pratishtha procession in the Naya Nagar region. The procession’s passage through the Muslim-majority neighborhood had been met with opposition from the police and locals.
Alleged footage from Sunday purportedly showed vandals damaging the procession’s cars. Thirteen persons have been detained by the police about the event thus far.
“The situation is under investigation, and the accused are being detained by the evidence. There is a quiet environment in the region, and some individuals are using various social platforms to post various footage regarding the occurrence. Misunderstandings are growing as a result in society, according to a statement from the police.
“However, no offensive text, video, photo, status, etc, which may hurt the religious sentiments of people of any caste religion regarding the incident, which may create law and order problems and disturb social peace, such as offensive information, post, on WhatsApp,” the police stated further, according to ANI as saying.
Tuesday’s Clashes Persisted
A day before the Pran Pratishtha ritual at the Ayodhya temple, on January 21, there was communal disturbance. Unverified footage of a tempo being damaged with the words “Rashid Tempo Service” scrawled on it went viral on social media. Online users have also started sharing another video of a car driver being abused.
Miscreants can be seen throwing stones at a store named Haji Chicken Shop near Cinemax Mall on Mira Road’s Ramdev Park in CCTV footage that has been extensively circulated on X (previously Twitter).
Despite The Quint’s unable to independently corroborate the recordings, MBVV Police confirmed that some occurrences did occur on Tuesday.
“While the situation is under control, there have been a few instances. We have filed charges and taken the appropriate measures in every occasion. The Quint was informed by Jayant Bhajbale, DCP (Zone I), Mira Road, “We will release a comprehensive statement soon. We will not comment further until we have an official statement.”
Tensions Following Tuesday’s “Bulldozer Action”
The Mira Bhayander Municipal Corporation destroyed 15 stores at the Haidary Chowk in the Naya Nagar region on Tuesday, claiming illegal encroachment, which left the atmosphere on Mira Road tense.
Bulldozers leveled illegal buildings and encroachments in the Naya Nagar neighborhood of Mira Road, where stone-throwing occurred during the Ram Mandir Pranpratishtha festivities. The Maharashtra government stated on Tuesday that the Municipal Corporation is acting on orders from the government and is enlisting the assistance of the police.
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